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It’s nice to

meet you

behind the name

dove & lioness doula services

I struggled with my business name for a while. I chose Dove & Lioness because I truly believe that is the dichotomy of a woman, especially a mother.

You are as strong and as brave as a lioness--not only for yourself, but also for your family.

Yet, as women and mothers, we need to strive to bring forth our inner peace in order to grow, nurture, and protect our children and families.

Additionally, I feel as your doula, those are the roles I want to offer to you as well. I will be your peace and your safety, as well as your protector and advocate when you need me--and that has many different looks throughout the labor and birth process. Labor knows no clock, nor does it ever go according to plan, but you should not have to feel like you are not in control. As a birth doula, I want to create the space and security for you to speak up for yourself and feel heard by your care providers; whether that’s in a hospital, a birth center, or your home.

Where you deliver, how you labor, how you birth, are all variables...

The constant between all of those is that:

Your birth matters.

Your emotions are valid.

You are not alone.

While I can never write enough words to make myself truly known to you, I hope that this has been an insight into my passion and my being.

If I am supposed to be your doula, you will know and I will know.

I truly hope that you find the genuine connection you are seeking.

I would be honored to be your advocate should you feel drawn to me.

It was a pleasure to introduce myself to you.

–Amie Bogart • Dove & Lioness Doula

My mission

behind the doula

Amie bogart

My name is Amie Bogart.

I am so excited that you have chosen to spend some time checking out my website and my business.

I would love to get to know about you, but I will start with some things about myself to give you a good idea of who I am.

Some facts about me:

I grew up in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and have lived or stayed in several states--Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, California, Arizona, Texas, Alabama, and now Kansas--all before the age of 22. This was due to joining the military straight out of high school, and I am forever grateful for the places I have seen and visited. I met my husband while stationed in California in 2021, and we have been navigating the marriage world for over two years now.

I am a Christian. I believe in the God-given power women hold to bring babies into this world. However and whenever you bring them into this world, I believe they and you, are strong enough and equipped.

I decided to get into birth work when I was made aware of the appalling commercialized event that birth has unfortunately become. I have had some women very close to me go through very concerning experiences during not only the birth of their children, but also in the women’s healthcare system as well.

The more I learned the more I wanted to be an advocate. I wanted to bring to as many womens’ attentions as possible that the way we are treated during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum is not sufficient. While I cannot directly affect the care in which your doctors provide you, I can help to educate you so that you are informed and can be your own voice.

kind words

“She did exactly what birth photography should be–raw, maternal images. Amie captured the anticipation, moments of defeat, the moments when things were hard, the release, and the love.”

A & M

I would love to be the one you trust to offer you

raw memories


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Serving around Junction City, Fort Riley, Manhattan & Topeka areas.

"Dove & Lioness Doula, Amie Bogart, is fueled by her passion to help women experience their positive and empowering birth experience by helping them speak up. Amie offers a few different packages for her services to find the one that truly fits you the best. Your birth experience is unique, why shouldn't your care be?"

amie bogart | dove & Lioness Doula Services | © 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED